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Here at Felltarn HQ on the outskirts of Kendal, surrounded by lush green rolling hills, numerous sheep, freshwater becks, moss covered stone walls and secluded woodland, we are never short of inspiration for any of our projects. Lake District, country-chic themed designs are what we are associated with.

Imagine our total surprise when a new enquiry came through out of the blue from a company that LOVE the Felltarn Friends’ design and style, all the way from Cairo, Egypt! Wow!

Diwan Bookstore are Egypt’s largest chain of bookshops – (think Waterstone’s), and they have been enjoying a huge boost in sales from the current craze sweeping the globe for colouring-in books.

After coming across the Felltarn Friends and appreciating Claire’s design style, they decided to contact us directly to see if we would be interested in sending them some sample designs for a Pharaonic themed colouring-in book for adults.

Of course! How could we not be excited at this new project before us? So different from anything we’ve created before, but I think you’ll agree that Claire’s skills translate perfectly to create these stunning pictures.

Inspiration was no longer easily found straight out of the front door – there aren’t many pyramids in New Hutton! We spent some time researching Egypt, Pharaohs, native creatures; we contemplated jumping on a flight out there, but then realised our families were relying on us to make Christmas “happen” rather soon – being working mothers has its pitfalls, and sneaking off on business to a hot climate in winter is just one of those trips that had to be sacrificed… (For now at least!)

So, Claire excitedly drew out the samples to send over (there wasn’t as awful lot for me to get involved with at this stage!) and we waited rather impatiently for the response from Diwan… Would they sign us up to create each page for the book?

Yes! Apparently Claire’s drawings were the best Diwan had seen for what they wanted, and absolutely agreed on Felltarn designing for them. I can’t explain how big our excited grins were that day – who would’ve thought that we would be adding an Egyptian bookstore to our list of predominantly Cumbrian clients? Fantastic!

We have a feeling this is the start of something very special, as Claire has proven that her design and illustration style can be translated literally across continents to fit any brief for any purpose. Throughout 2016 we will continue to promote and grow the design and illustration side of Felltarn Limited with lots of ideas in the pipeline already!

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