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Horrible History Halloween Trail


Horrible History Halloween Trail

Halifax BID approached Felltarn Friends with an idea for a trail that would appeal to KS2 children – including some pretty gruesome, true Halifax murder tales… To make the trail appeal to an older audience (age 8-11 rather than under 8), we put more detail, information and meaning into the trail design.

Halifax BID sent us a selection of local legendary tales of weird and wonderful ways people had died over the centuries. We had great fun creating characters from the stories – and because the trail is aimed at a slightly older audience we could really go to town (pun fully intended, ha ha!) on bringing these unfortunate deaths back to life!

This is another example of our ‘bespoke’ trail design service. You can throw any ideas into a brief and we can turn them into a fabulous, fun, engaging, educational trail for your town.

Get in touch to get the ball rolling- email:

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